Pastor Ron and Krishna are passionate and energetic followers of Jesus Christ who model extravagant welcome, hospitality, and service. They look forward to meeting you and learning about your spiritual needs and goals.
Pastor Ron is an ordained elder in The United Methodist Church, and is currently pursuing a Doctor of Ministry degree. He is passionate about new expressions of ministry and serves as a certified Fresh Expressions of Ministry coach.
Darlene is our Administrative Assistant, and she works in the Church Office Monday thru Friday from 9-3. If you need assistance, she is here to help you.
Brittany is our Accounts Payable Expert and works in the Church Office three days a week. If you need a check to pay a Church Obligation, please see Brittany or just complete an EUMC Check Request Form (located outside her office door) and she will take care of you.
Ray has served as the EUMC Choir Director and Minister of Music for the past 25 years. He recently retired from the Louisville Orchestra as their Bass Trombonist. Additionally Ray is a gifted composer and arranger. Several of the songs sung by the choir have been written by Ray.
Donna is our Traditional Service organist and accompanist for the EUMC Choir.
I’m Erin (Youell) Geary. I was born and raised at EUMC and have served on our praise and worship team for over 15 years. I have a great passion for people & life and love to share intimate, meaningful worship experiences with my church family.
David is the man who makes our Facebook Live broadcasts possible. He is also responsible for all of the screens in the building, amplified sound, video images, and media accessed during both of our regular Church services.